#26 LVT

Three-year growth 226%

Karalynne Call, mom of six and founder of JusIn 2005, Ryan Porter had an idea to put a live camera on construction sites so homeowners could watch their homes being built. 

   Since then, LVT (LiveView Technologies) has become the largest mobile security unit provider in the world, creating and leading the market through technology and innovation. LVT offers intelligent security solutions to retailers, law enforcement, and many other industries.  

   Through high-tech security equipment and world-class security software, LVT is on a mission to “discover, deter and defend.” Ingredients, began her health journey 18 years ago while battling suicidal depression. She shares her story on her Instagram account @just.ingredients. 

In the beginning, the company was homegrown. The four founders (Steve Lindsey, Ryan Porter, Bob Brenner, Dave Studdert) have done every job in this company many times over. I’ve spent many weeks on the road in the middle of December with the wind blowing 50 mph trying to get systems running for various departments of transportation. Nothing elegant about it all — it was just a grind. 

In 2005, LVT started by offering live-streaming video of home construction so homeowners could watch the progress of their homes being built. When the 2008 recession happened, housing started to drop off, so we started looking into other places where the technology could be used.

We got an opportunity to install cameras on boat ramps for Utah reservoirs and lakes. The Utah Department of Transportation saw these units, and they told us they had cameras along major interstates, but they needed cameras over mountain passes where there was no power and no internet connectivity.

We had to figure out how to create a completely off-grid system. The equipment also had to be rugged, resilient and low-power so it could survive blizzards and extreme temperatures. We accomplished that and won the contract with UDOT to deploy hundreds of these systems all over Utah and eventually across multiple states.

We also started getting requests from oil and gas automation companies. We had to figure out how to archive video from remote areas, 24 hours a day, on a cellular connection without having it cost a lot of money.

Up to this point, everyone was asking us to do security, but we avoided it because we knew camera detection was problematic. So we invested in making cameras detect better. We also realized that instead of just detecting if a security threat was there, we ought to also try to scare them away. That way, the security is more preventative than reactive. When we came up with that product and solution, we found the perfect product/market fit and the business rapidly took off.

Retail became the first market to adopt this security solution because of safety issues in parking lots. We also got pulled into property management and critical infrastructure, government-type related issues, and more. We found ourselves in a situation where people realized LVT had a solution that could quickly solve their security problems.

Now, LVT is the largest mobile security unit provider in the world. It created the market and continues to lead the space. LVT has solved some of the toughest problems with off-grid, remote, live video streaming and AI video intelligence — and holds many patents.

There are many innovative ways we can solve our customers’ problems. We are making the world safer and more secure, and that is an awesome mission to wake up to. 

It is important to find the specific people who can rapidly build the capabilities of your business, and invest in them,” says Steve Lindsey, CTO. “Find those rare leaders who can help you scale quickly — who are hungry, humble and highly collaborative.